Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Today, I was grossly under-dressed for the weather.

When I woke up this morning, it was still dark outside, but the sun looked like it was going to win the battle against the clouds and make an appearance in all its glory. Plus, with the MAJESTIC weather we've had for the past week, I thought it would be safe to wear a tank top with a light cardigan over it. I was so wrong.

When I got to school, the wind was ferocious and the sun was nowhere to be found. I think I even felt a raindrop or two. The sun did make an appearance for an hour or two in the late morning, but at that time I was holed up in the library, frantically trying to write a paper that was due in an hour. 

I have thoroughly learned my lesson: always check the weather online before getting dressed. No exceptions.

"English Summer Rain" by Placebo

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