Above all else, I would like it to be known that I hate my boss.
The woman is about four feet tall but has a chip on her shoulder that's as big as the earth itself. She always makes loud, indirect comments like "Someone needs to stop leaving the sauces uncovered," but she never speaks to that "someone" directly. Instead, the whole restaurant has to hear her bitching, and of course, we know exactly who she's talking about. Plus, she's severly OCD, has a terrible temper, exaggerates to no end, and you can never tell if she's lying or telling the truth because she's just as likely to do one as she is the other.
To further exasperate this situation that is my job, Ashley told me something very disturbing the other day.
Secondly, I like to keep my private life and my professional life VERY separate.
Thirdly, I hate surprises.
HOWEVER, my boss told Ashley that she is planning to go on my facebook (which is set to private), find my friends, and throw me a surprise party for my 21st! What the fuck!? I'm so pissed.
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