Monday, January 31, 2011

Just Some Fillers

I suppose you could say that school is in full swing now. 

The Winter term class I was taking is now over, and I got an A (yayyyy for me).
My short story for my fiction class is due in a week, and it's not quite done, but I like where it's going. Here's a preview--the opening line: "If you love me, you'll eat that Skittle." Riveting, no?
The history class I'm taking was (I thought) going to be my easy class this semester, but the professor began our last meeting by saying that, as of this coming Thursday, he will no longer be teaching the class. This means there will be a new professor taking over, and I will have to re-evaluate my strategy for the class. Damnation.

Hannah, you should be pleased. I have started working out for an hour two times a week, and my time at the gym involves some running. However, last Thursday, after I was through with the bodily torture, I went to El Carreton and drank a 24 oz. margarita to congratulate myself on a jog well done. Whoops.

Ohhhhhhh yes, before I forget. My trip to Italy with my aunt has now reached a certainty. We're going the second week in May (two weeks after I graduate college)! Also, my uncle has decided that he's coming with us on this trip that originally was just supposed to be me and Aunt Donna. BUT as a consolation prize, he's going to buy my plane ticket for me! So, all in all, the only things I'm going to have to pay for on this entire vacation to Italy will be souvenirs! Hell to the yes.

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