Monday, November 30, 2009

"Hear" Me Out

Is it weird to envy people who have cute ears? 

Before you start judging me as a freak, hear me out (no pun intended). Ears are so delicate and intricate, and no two people have the same ears. They're an important part of the body, without which, a person wouldn't feel whole, or experience life fully . Ears are also part of the face, which means they are a prominent feature and are therefore noticed often. Why should admiring someone's ears be considered bizarre in comparison to admiring someone's eyes?


"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day"--everyone has heard that from their mom at some point in time. Well, I'm prepared to agree with all the moms, now that I've discovered yogurt and granola. You wouldn't think that something so healthy and light could be so filling and delicious! Every morning I wake up, take a shower, then eat yogurt with granola in it and drink a cup of coffee while checking my favorite blogs before I face the real world and head to school. It's the perfect start to the day.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Adam: Statement of the Day

This year I'm spending Thanksgiving in Pennsylvania with some of my cousins. The very same cousins, in fact, that Adam and Judah belong to. Today was my first day here, and Adam has already made at least two epic statements:
1) Jenni: "Adam, why are you putting all your toys in the pantry?"
    Adam: "To keep them safe."
2)Tyler: "Hey Adam, can you bring me a pillow?"

   Adam: "No! A chair!" *brandishing a small plastic chair*

 Later in the trip:
Just after climbing out of the bathtub, Adam started climbing up on the cabinet wanting to see himself in the mirror saying "I want to see my gorgeous hairdo."

Friday, November 20, 2009

Money on the Ground

Today I was walking to class after getting coffee with a friend, and I saw a quarter on the ground. My first impulse was to pick the quarter up, but instead, I kept on walking. Even though I didn't stop, I found myself wanting to go back and get the quarter, and I kept thinking about it. Why did I want it? It's not like I could buy anything with just a quarter. I'm not starving, I have my own money. Is $0.25 that important?

Then I thought, could it have something to do with the Capitalist, materialistic culture that is America? The congenital desire that's cultivated in us from birth to accumulate all we can in this life, where "nothing is ever enough." It's so pervasive of how we're taught to think and act, that it affects the smallest things like picking a quarter up off the ground and putting it in our pockets.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Blogging, Bloggers, Blogs

Reading other people's blogs is so inspiring to me. It makes me want to write more, improve my techniques, and have a more entertaining life so I'll have something interesting to write about that people would actually want to read.

Epic Day

Today was a little overwhelming. First of all, I got a job writing for my university's newspaper (yay me!). Secondly, I had to go to court (boooo).
Two months ago, in September, I was driving down Lee Street on my way to school. A state trooper got behind me in order to pass an extremely slow school bus and then turned his blue lights on. WTF, right? I wasn't speeding, had my seat belt on, and even used my directional when switching lanes (I don't usually do that). He pulled me over and gave me a ticket for driving with an expired car registration. My dad usually takes care of that for me, so I had no idea it had expired in April (whoops). Today was my court date, and I had to go present my renewed registration to the D.A. in order to get the charges dropped. 
I had no clue where the court house was, so I got lost and had to call one of my friends for directions. Then, when I went through the security at the courthouse door, there were some problems. I thought they were going to strip-search me or something because of how many times they had to check and re-check my purse. Ipod--check, phone--check, nail clippers--check, bottle of vitamins (?) --check, and oh yes--ipod headphones. They couldn't just look at those things all at once. No, they had to make a separate trip for each thing. I thought I was gonna miss my appearance with the judge, they took so long.
After the painfully long security inspection, I had to find the right courtroom. Room 1A had a line outside it that was long enough to be a paradigm of the small intestines. After everyone was ushered into the courtroom, we were given basic instructions, and left to sit for the next two hours until our name was called. The D.A. said that if a phone went off, it would be confiscated and would not be returned to the owner. Also, we were not allowed  to talk. 
After an hour and a half, the monotony of staring at the clock was interrupted. The D.A. was talking to a person with long dreadlocks, and she looked very angry. Apparently, the person in question smacked his gum a little too loudly, and when the D.A. told him to stop, he did it again. He was escorted from the courtroom by the bailiff, and the D.A. told us that the man was going to jail. I guess he should've chewed his gum more quietly. The woman sitting next to me turned and said, "That was a man?" He was a bit effeminate, I'll admit.
All in all, my own experience in court was boring. I showed the D.A. my car registration, and my case was dismissed. BUT I GOT TO SEE SOMEONE PUT IN THE SLAMMER. Hell Yes.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Adventures of Adam and Judah

My cousin, Jenni, has two boys--Adam and Judah. Adam is almost 3 and Judah is 1. They are CRAYZAY. And super cute. They do the funniest things, especially Adam. The following are accounts of things they have done/said recently:

Adam: "Daddy's at High school." 

Jenni: "Oh really? What's he doing there?" 

A: "No, he's at college." 

Jenni: "Who else is at college?" 

A: "Miss Trish and Miss Jessica." 

Jenni: "What are they doing there?" 

A: "Getting groceries." 

Another time, Jenni was doing housework and realized she didn't hear the boys--which usually means they are up to no good. She went into the kitchen where Adam and Judah were sitting on the floor. They had an entire Costco-sized package of muffins out, taking one bite apiece out of each muffin, and putting them in a pile. They were making muffin mountains.

 Adam fell and got a boo boo. As soon as his crying calmed down, he looked at Jenni and told her that a hot dog with ketchup and mustard on it would make his boo boo feel better.

Jenni: "What ya diggin for?"

Adam: "Boogies."

(That's what most of their conversations are like.)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Bad Habit

Earlier in the history of this blog, I wrote about Scott and his jeans. Well, I have now developed the terrible habit of taking pictures around campus of people whose pants are shorter than the acceptable length--according to my opinion. I have become quite good at the point-and-shoot-without-them-seeing-you angle. Unfortunately, since I use my phone for this, and the fact that people are usually walking, means that the pictures are not of good quality. But I'm pretty sure that there aren't a lot of people with this elite hobby, so I feel a little better about my photography skills.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Back in the summer, I went to a movie with my friend, Katherine. Before it, we stopped at a Starbucks to get some coffee (everything should involve coffee). To sneak our delicious beverages into the theater, I put both cups, upright, into my purse to keep them from spilling. However,  I didn't account for the jostling that would take place between my car and our seats inside. When we sat down to wait for the movie, I reached into my purse to get the two cups, and realized there was a pond in the bottom of my purse. My entire mocha latte had spilled inside my favorite brown leather purse. Not only was my purse ruined, but all of the contents in it were as well. To make matters worse, when i bent over to clean up the mess, my pants ripped in the back (at the top of my thigh, right under my butt). I had to walk around with my jacket tied around my waist like a homeschooler from the nineties, with my leaking purse in tow.
Today when I was at a coffee shop with my friends, Lauren and Missy, we all had our day-planners out on the table while we did homework. They all had coffee stains on them. Ah, the true bonds of friendship.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Bright Rainy Day

Today it rained. A lot. Thankfully, I was prepared and wore my black and white polka-dot rain boots. I rocked some purple tights, a green skirt, black shirt, and a grey and white checked scarf. In addition, in my own little attempt at irony, I wore a pair of black Wayfarer sunglasses pushed back on the top of my head.
So, all day I walked around campus wearing this ridiculously bright and Peter Pan-ish outfit, plus having a bright yellow purse, purple book bag, and purple umbrella. Perhaps I more resembled Barney? Needless to say, I got a lot of weird looks (I get the same reaction to my dancing--I'm a rotten dancer). My best friend told me that I brightened people's day today--literally.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Dear Scott, Your Jeans Are Too Short

I'm sorry to say it, but every winter, the too-short-jeans epidemic hits UNCG.
I've had several classes with a guy named Scott. Scott is brilliant and was tutoring Philosophy his first semester Freshman year. He's one of those people that makes you skittish to speak up in class because anything you say will sound like a Sesame Street conversation compared to his eloquent dissertations. 
Scott's usual attire consists of Chuck Taylor's, jeans, and some sort of plaid flannel shirt.This semester, he began dating a nice girl named Emily, and they sit in front of me in our ENG 352: The 20th-Century American Novel class. I wouldn't have taken so much note of Scott and Emily, if it wasn't for their inappropriate displays of public affection. They sit in the center of the front row, and they may as well occupy only one seat instead of two. They're always whispering to each other, playing footsy, and generally making me feel nauseous. Don't get me wrong, it's great that they have such a. . . close. . .relationship. I'd just rather that they practiced their "closeness" somewhere I did not have to watch it.
Because the three of us (Scott, Emily, and I) have been spending so much quality time sitting in class together recently, I've begun to notice something amiss about Scott's choice of wardrobe--his jeans are far too short. Maybe he likes the ventilation? Perhaps he's very proud of his shoes, and wants everyone to take special note of them? Or, my least favorite supposition, he just hasn't noticed? Who knows. Whatever the reason may be, not only do I have to watch Scott and Emily exchange dreamy looks and talk with their lips smushed together, but now I have to sit in class knowing that when Scott stands up, his pants will be an inch above the tops of his Chuck Taylor's. 
Sometimes I wish the Fashion Police really existed.