Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Disclaimer: Fashion Post

haha Funniest quote I've heard all day: "I've shagged before, but this class should be a good forum to learn some new moves." (He's speaking of a dance class, btw)

I had a bit of a fashion emergency today. . .
In my 2:00 communications class, I had to give a presentation, and the professor said we had to dress up. When I left the house this morning, I was wearing gray dress slacks, black pumps, and a nice top. However, by the end of my 10:00 class, I knew I had to change clothes. 1) my pants were too big and kept falling down, and 2) my poor feet were protesting against the shoes I had put them in.

Since I live 30 minutes from campus and had decided to stay in Greensboro tonight, going home to change clothes was out of the question. So, I went into a panic-shopping mode and terrorized Old Navy for an hour and a half, trying on different pants and dresses. Let me say that I never wear dresses, but this time, I made an exception. It's this dress but in navy blue. With it, I wore my gold cardigan, green canvas TOMS, and a brown leather belt. All in all, I looked like I had just stepped out of a WWII movie.

I'm really not that obsessed with clothing, but I felt so pleased with my shopping outcome today, that I had to write a post about it.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

This is how it feels to break up soundwaves.

Coughing has made me sound like my dad's mum who smoked her whole life, and her skin looked like an alligator's. She told great stories though, and in that way, I wouldn't mind being like her.

When I'm really stressed out, I have nightmares. Why is that?

I spend an extraordinary amount of my time in coffee shops, and I frequent Tate St. Coffee almost every day. It's a cute, independently owned place on the edge of campus, and their coffee is usually pretty good. I've decided that my favorite place to sit in there is a little corner table, out of the way. It's not easily noticed because the edge of the bar sticks out and shields it from view. I love it because I can sit there and people-watch. Maybe that's creepy of me? Ok, I get that. But people are so interesting. I like to think about what their story is (everyone has a story), why they dress the way they do; see the way they communicate with other people, and how they choose to spend their time while drinking a cup of coffee.

"Rewind" by Deas Vail

Monday, March 29, 2010

Viruses? Ungood.

After not being sick since I had the swine flu in October 2009, I woke up this morning with a sore throat. To say I am peeved would be an understatement. Perhaps I should have eaten 2 apples a day instead of one?

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Very Dull

I'm not sure what the weather was like today. I was in my room the whole time doing homework--homework that I hated. I tried to take a break by watching the movie Brief Interviews With Hideous Men, an adaptation of the novel by David Foster Wallace. I say "tried" to watch it because I started the movie at around 12 pm, and now 10 hours later, I have yet to finish it. It will probably be done loading by never o'clock. 

However, I did have some lovely jelly beans today, which reminded me of a video by Flight of the Conchords called "Albi the Racist Dragon." It's funny, and there's a part that says something like, "Albi began to cry dragon tears--which we all know turn into jelly beans." Anyways, it's funnier if you watch it. . .

Friday, March 26, 2010

wanna hear about my good day?

Another fabulous day in my world. I got to see Lauren Z. for the first time all semester, which was lovely and way overdue. We got coffee, and I wrote half of my article (I don't usually write it until an hour before it's due). Then after I was done with classes for the day, I went to Southpoint with Katherine and got more coffee and some jelly beans. I've missed hanging out with her too. She's so damn sweet, and always puts me in a good mood. Now I'm getting ready to go hang out at Pete's house with some friends. We're going to watch a movie or something. I guess it's like the calm before the storm, because next week I have this crazy presentation and a ridiculous exam on the same day.

It's raining outside right now. I love the sound. It's so calming and makes me want to fall asleep, or perhaps get cozy in my pajamas and read a good book or watch a movie.

Tonight while my dad was praying over dinner, I had the impulse to say "ahhhhmen" in a hymn-singing voice when he was done instead of the solemn and standard "amen" that people usually say at the end of a prayer. Why don't people sing their prayers instead of just say them? Like a Gregorian chant or something.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

above the clouds, not under them

I'm in such a good mood! Alone time is great (like I said yesterday), but I love love love spending time with certain people--especially my Aunt Donna. I usually go to her house every Thursday afternoon after I get out of class. We sit drinking coffee while solving all the world's problems and contemplating all  other aspects of life. Being with her makes me wish I never had to go out into the real world again because she makes me feel  so happy and safe. 

I've decided that blue is my favorite color of ink. A) because it's the happier shade of professional ink colors, as opposed to black ink, which I think is oppressive and dark, B) because it's light and airy but not as distracting as other colors of ink, such as pink, green, or orange, and C) because it's the color of the sky (or ocean), and I love nature. By the way, why does the ocean look blue if water is clear?

"White Winter Hymnal" by Fleet Foxes

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Everyone could use some "me" time once in a while. 

In an attempt to avoid my parents dragging me to Prayer Meeting at church tonight, I did not go home until after 7:30. As a result, I had to find something to amuse myself with for 4 hours. All of my friends were stuck in class until after I was done for the day, so I was forced to settle with my own company.

The first 2 hours of my isolation were spent in a secluded corner of the Arboretum, sprawled on a well-worn bench and engrossed in a book. It was The Morgesons by Elizabeth Stoddard which we're reading for my American Romanticism class. The weather was perfect, as it has been for the past 2 weeks, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. 

For dinner, I went back to Missy and Amy's apartment and ate a bowl of cheerios (my new favorite food), then had to coax my car back to life (after 4 unsuccessful tries to get it started) before driving to Barnes & Noble. There, I spent the next 2 hours of my time. I had a pleasant chat with the barista on duty in the cafe (he remembered me from Sunday), then took my mocha latte to a cozy armchair in yet another secluded corner, and finished my book.  
All in all, it was the most relaxing day I've had in a while.

"The Violet Hour" by Sea Wolf

stupid. stupid. stupid.

Yesterday I learned to check the weather before choosing what to wear. Today I learned to use the correct phone number when ordering pizza.

I was really hungry and craving Italian, so Missy handed me a list of coupons for Hungry Howie's. It had a great bargain for a large one-topping pizza, and the phone number of the business was on there too. So, I called the number, placed the order, and in 15 minutes, Missy and I were at the pick-up location (which was 5 minutes from the apartment). 

Well, came to find out, I had called the number for the Hungry Howie's that's located an hour and a half away, which meant that our pizza was also 1.5 hours away from us. The guy at the closer location was really nice about the mix up, but I felt pretty stupid.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Today, I was grossly under-dressed for the weather.

When I woke up this morning, it was still dark outside, but the sun looked like it was going to win the battle against the clouds and make an appearance in all its glory. Plus, with the MAJESTIC weather we've had for the past week, I thought it would be safe to wear a tank top with a light cardigan over it. I was so wrong.

When I got to school, the wind was ferocious and the sun was nowhere to be found. I think I even felt a raindrop or two. The sun did make an appearance for an hour or two in the late morning, but at that time I was holed up in the library, frantically trying to write a paper that was due in an hour. 

I have thoroughly learned my lesson: always check the weather online before getting dressed. No exceptions.

"English Summer Rain" by Placebo

Friday, March 19, 2010

I owned that

I have previously owned that my favorite weather consists of "cold rainy/cloudy" days. Yes, I love the hell out of them, but it is so fucking beautiful outside today! It makes me want to dance my ass off and go on nature excursions. (If you can't tell, my level of profanity increases as my enthusiasm does. Sorry.) How can anyone not be in the best mood of their life on this sunny, puffy-cloud, 70 degrees and breezy day? It's so perfect. In fact, I think I'm going to go for a walk in the Arboretum nearby. Right. Now.

"Lalita" by The Love Language 

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Sight of the Happening
In the spirit of St. Patrick's Day, Missy and I went to dinner at the Mellow Mushroom. There was a 40 minute wait, and when we were seated, our table was in an awkward spot. It was in the middle of the room and in front of the large, glass front window. We were cheerily eating salad, when I looked out the window, and low and behold! There was the moon! In a kilt! A woman had bent over to pick up her fallen cigarette, with her ass facing the restaurant, and her (Scottish, not Irish) kilt was far too short for any human being to be wearing. Missy and I stared in shock (and perhaps horror) at the sight that was thrust, unwanted, before our eyes. Then we laughed uncontrollably for the next five minutes. The people around us probably thought we had started the holiday's celebrations a little early.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Unproductive Day

I get no work done when I'm playing in the clouds.

"Buster Voodoo" by Rodrigo y Gabriela

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Farewell to Spring Break, Helloooo Spring

Tomorrow it's back to school. Spring Break did not feel long enough at all, but at least the semester is now half over. 

Tonight I went to the Open Eye Cafe (my favorite coffee shop) in Chapel Hill after church with Missy, then we went grocery shopping. Since the place where I work will be closed for the next two weeks (for re-modeling), I will be spending a lot more time in Greensboro. It's nice to not have to rush from school to work, but I have a feeling my bank account will suffer for it. I'm just praying that it will re-open on schedule.

The weather has been sooooo gorgeous for the past week. It's getting warmer but is still cool enough for a light jacket. I love the way the air smells in the spring, and everything looks clearer. Especially the sky. Now that daylight savings is over, I'll be able to watch the sun rise on my way to school in the morning. LOVE it. 

"TV Gods" by Matt Costa

Friday, March 12, 2010

A Storm is Gonna Come

Last day of Spring Break : wake up at 5:30 a.m., take photos in the rain, eat some cheerios.
"Blue Mind" by Alexi Murdoch

Thursday, March 11, 2010

One Happy Cloud

Just because I'm alone doesn't mean I'm lonely.

"I'm Not Calling You a Liar" by Florence and the Machine

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

mmm yes

Before my outing with Hannah yesterday, I spent some quality time with my favorite aunt in the whole world, Pete's mom. We toured the Nasher art museum, strolled through Duke Gardens, then had lunch at Satisfaction (located in Brightleaf Square). Then we went to Morgan Imports across the street from the Square. I remember going there as a child with my parents and their friends, the Callahans, from Rochester, NY (where we're from). It was there that I saw the next thing I'll buy when I have the money. Only, I want one in bright red: 
It's so perfect, straight out of the 1940s.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Club foot : one foot better at dancing than the other one

In the quest for bathroom graffiti (for my next newspaper article), my travels took me to UNCG's campus. Yes, I'm there all the time, but it's Spring Break, so I made a special trip with my dear friend, Hannah (the palindrome). We also went to the Greenbean, a coffee shop on Elm St. (which is near campus). 

At the Greenbean, the bathroom walls are made of slate. Free chalk is provided so people can write anything they want to on the walls, which is really cool.
This took a while, but at UNCG, Hannah and I went through all the older buildings, and looked in all the first floor bathrooms. Several previously unknown bathrooms were discovered in the process. I especially loved the spelling errors, on a college campus.
But my favorite bathroom graffiti of them all was in the Cury building. In each stall beside the toilet, there were numerous scuff-marks on the walls. Above one of them, someone put this:
Had loved it.

Monday, March 8, 2010

"This Be the Verse" by Philip Larkin

I've never been a big fan of poetry. It's beautiful, but I don't have the patience to figure out what it means. I usually just end up frustrated and can't be bothered by it. Mr. Philip Larkin, on the other hand, is very straightforward. I like his style and  disillusionment with the world. This poem is my favorite. I think it's very insightful. 

They fuck you up, your mum and dad.
  They may not mean to, but they do.
They fill you with the faults they had
  And add some extra, just for you.

But they were fucked up in their turn
  By fools in old-style hats and coats,
Who half the time were soppy-stern
  And half at one another's throats.

Man hands on misery to man.
  It deepens like a coastal shelf.
Get out as early as you can,
  And don't have any kids yourself.

Biggest Scarf Ever

Coffee shops attract the most interesting people. I took the above picture at Tate Street Coffee House, and you can't see the whole thing, but that scarf is wrapped around the guy's neck at least 3 times, and it goes past his knees almost to the floor. I'm pretty sure it's the biggest scarf I've ever seen. AND he wears it all the time.

Last night, I was at the Open Eye Cafe in Chapel Hill before the Rogue Wave show, and there was an older man who came in. He looked to be in his sixties and sat down in the corner of the cafe. He was sporting a pair of gigantic headphones (the ultra-noise-canceling kind), and started banging on a piece of metal. Cling. Cling. Cling. Over and over and over and over, and you get the picture. The people around me did an impressive job of ignoring him, but I was about to go over and confiscate whatever he had in his hand. Then, a trio of musicians came in and began setting up their equipment. The previously mentioned older gentleman got very excited and started going to the people around me, telling them they had to move so he could make room for the musicians. The other people were, again, very gracious and moved. The man moved every piece of furniture, then began harassing the musicians; asking them if he could play with them. Then he pulled out a hand-held voice recorder and pushed play. He wanted to know if the music on it was them.

Ah, the world of coffee.

"Black and Gold" performed by Sam Sparro

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Ode to a Sneeze

Two weeks ago, my article for The Carolinian was called "The Ecstasy of Sneezing." Who doesn't want to read an article with that title? Well, apparently my dad thought the same thing. I purposefully didn't show him the article because I knew he would disapprove of the second paragraph (straight-laced as he is), and I was right. He e-mailed me, copy-and-pasting said paragraph, and added a little note of his own, saying that I should ask the paper to remove the article from their website. 

I did not. . . 

They didn't even publish the whole article (which was published in the actual paper) on the internet, such as the amazing "random sneezy facts."
  1. Sneezes travel at about 100 mph.
  2. Resulting droplets expelled can travel from 5-12 feet from the person sneezing.
  3. It's impossible to sneeze while sleeping because the sneezing nerves sleep when you do.
  4. The iguana sneezes more than any other animal.
  5. The longest bout of sneezing recorded is attributed to Donna Griffiths who sneezed once a minute for 978 days straight.
"You'll Find A Way" (Switch and Graeme Sinden remix) by Santigold

Friday, March 5, 2010

oh hey, pretty day

Today is the first day of Spring Break, and what a lovely day it is. The weather is sunny and breezy, and it feels warmer than usual. I can't wait till it's warm enough to sit outside and read for hours on end without getting frostbite.

Also, this was a week of good grades. I got a 99% on my History midterm, an A on my American Romanticism exam, and I found out that I made the Dean's List for last semester. UNCG sent me a certificate in the mail and everything.

I bought a new pair of jeans today too. I tried on every kind of style in GAP and Old Navy, but none of them fit the way I wanted. Finally, I went to Burlington Too (an outlet store that sells name brand clothing for cheap), and the first pair of jeans I tried on fit perfectly (surprise surprise, they're American Eagle, which is the kind I always get). They were only $20! 

I'm so excited! Tomorrow is the Rogue Wave show that I'm going to with Pete. I've been looking forward to it since January.

I think this week qualifies as a success; and I only had one cup of coffee today.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I hate feeling like I have so much to say but can't think of one thing in particular. And then there's the feeling of wanting to say something profound, but I don't know what. All I can really do to let those feelings out is not in the form of words at all, but rather, sound. A sigh, a scream, a shout. Let those feelings out.

"Animal" from Where the Wild Things Are

I haven't blogged in a while

I found this picture today while surfing the Internet. I was trying to find ideas for stuff to write about in the newspaper. I think it's hauntingly beautiful, and I love the texture.

"Dream On" by Depeche Mode