Saturday, March 27, 2010

Very Dull

I'm not sure what the weather was like today. I was in my room the whole time doing homework--homework that I hated. I tried to take a break by watching the movie Brief Interviews With Hideous Men, an adaptation of the novel by David Foster Wallace. I say "tried" to watch it because I started the movie at around 12 pm, and now 10 hours later, I have yet to finish it. It will probably be done loading by never o'clock. 

However, I did have some lovely jelly beans today, which reminded me of a video by Flight of the Conchords called "Albi the Racist Dragon." It's funny, and there's a part that says something like, "Albi began to cry dragon tears--which we all know turn into jelly beans." Anyways, it's funnier if you watch it. . .

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