Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snowed In

I guess North Carolina saves up all its snow for 10 years, then dumps it from the sky all in one night. Last week there was a day I could wear short sleeves. This weekend, there's 8 inches of snow on the ground. AND I'm dog-sitting for a friend, so I've been unable to go home.  Food consists of oatmeal, pancakes, and coffee made with paper towels because I forgot to bring filters. What am I supposed to use when I run out of paper towels?

The dog I'm watching is named Melo, and she's an English Mastiff. Melo is huge and reminds me of a full-grown lion. . . except that she's a dog.Today when I let her out to go to the bathroom, she ran around in the snow with her mouth open like a bulldozer, trying to eat as much white, fluffy stuff as possible. I almost didn't need to shovel the driveway. It was so funny to watch her.

Also, here are some pictures of our new cat, Henry. I wasn't able to get any before now.

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