Thursday, December 24, 2009


Christmas shoppers are vicious. Don't let the Santa sweaters and cheery atmosphere of shopping centers fool you. Today I made the mistake of going last-minute shopping, and my car was nearly hit at least 3 times whilst trying to find a parking spot. I had to wait behind that one annoying car that HAS to have a close parking spot so they sit in the middle of the road for 5 minutes with their turn signal on, waiting for an already-parked car to leave. Then, when I was getting ready to leave the over-crowded store, a very serious shopper wearing "mom jeans" almost ran me over with her shopping cart because she didn't want me to get in front of her in the check-out line (even though I had three times less the amount of merchandise that she had). Thank heavens I'm finally done with my shopping. Now all I have to do is sit on the couch, drink coffee, and eat gingerbread men until Christmas gets here.

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