Thursday, October 29, 2009

Her Tree Leaves

I was on the Park and Ride this morning, on my way to class. Going down Spring Garden St., the bus passed a certain tree right when the wind blew, and seemingly hundreds of reddish-brown leaves fluttered to the ground. It was beautiful to watch, and I wondered how so many could fall out of the tree without it looking as though it hadn't lost a single one. And yet, it was sad. Autumn is my favorite season, but it's also incredibly short. The vibrant colors of changing leaves are too soon replaced with naked tree limbs--leaving the remaining branches looking cold and despondent. Because of the brevity of Fall, I suppose I am more conscious in my appreciation of it, but my deep-felt appreciation for its beauty makes its loss that much more poignant. Could it be God's way of making us anticipate Spring?

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