Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wednesday Musings

Windiest day ever -- that was today. The Weather Channel said the gusts were up to 25 mph, but they must've been higher. And it was cold. It was so cold I couldn't feel my legs through my jeans, and my eyes wouldn't stop watering. My poor hair didn't stand a chance either; it looked like a tornado had stopped by for a visit. At least it wasn't rainy though. That would've been unbearable, and I probably wouldn't have gone to class.

Since I'm blogging, it must mean I'm avoiding homework. I have to write my weekly response paper for my American Romanticism class, and today it's on "Walden" by Henry David Thoreau. The excerpt is about places he had lived and what he lived for. It's an interesting read, and I like the way he lived his life. I envy his freedom and wandering lifestyle, as well as his lack of attachment regarding material things.

One week from today is Ash Wednesday, which means Lent begins. I've decided to give up chocolate for it, so I have one week to binge before saying goodbye to it for 40 days.

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